火辣派對歌"we can’t stop"  Miley從鄉村歌手轉型怪怪女




It’s our party we can do what we want
It’s our party we can say what we want
It’s our party we can love who we want
We can kiss who we want
We can see who we want (2x)


Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere
Hands in the air like we don’t care
Cause we came to have so much fun now
Bet somebody here might get some now

If you’re not ready to go home
Can I get a hell no
Cause we gonna go all night
Till we see the sunlight alright


So la da di da di, we like to party
Dancing with Miley
Doing whatever we want
This is our house
This is our rules
And we can’t stop
And we won’t stop
Can’t you see it’s we who own the night
Can’t you see it we who bout’ that life
And we can’t stop
And we won’t stop
We run things, Things don’t run we
We don't take nothing from nobody

It’s our party we can do what we want
It’s our party we can say what we want
It’s our party we can love who we want
We can kiss who we want
We can see who we want


To my home girls here with the big butt
Shaking it like we at a 1.___ ___
Remember only God can 2.___ ya
Forget the haters cause somebody loves ya
And everyone in line in the bathroom
Trying to get a line in the bathroom
We all so turned up here
Getting 3.___ ___, yeah, yeah


So la da di da di, we like to party
Dancing with 4.___
Doing whatever we want
This is our house
This is our rules
And we can’t stop
And we won’t stop
Can’t you see it’s we who own the night
Can’t you see it we who bout’ that life
And we can’t stop
And we won’t stop
We run things
Things don’t run we
We don't take nothing from nobody


It’s our party we can do what we want
It’s our party we can say what we want
It’s our party we can love who we want
We can kiss who we want
We can see who we want

It’s our party we can do what we want to
It’s our house we can love who we want to
It’s our song we can sing if we want to
It’s my mouth I can say what I want to
Yea, Yea, Yeah


And we can’t stop
And we won’t stop
Can’t you see it’s we who own the night
Can’t you see it we who bout’ that life
And we can’t stop
And we won’t stop
We run things
Things don’t run we
We don't take nothing from nobody
Yea, Yea, Yea





1.strip club 2.judge 3.turned up 4.Miley



1.strip club





vt. 及物動詞
審判; 判決[O2][O8][O9]
Who will judge the case ? 誰將審判這個案子?
裁判; 評定; 裁決
You can ' t judge a book by its cover . 你不能根據封面來評價一本書。
He is going to judge the first race . 他將擔任第一場比賽的裁判。
判斷; 斷定; 認為[O2][O8][O9][+that][+wh-]
We must judge whether he is guilty . 我們必須判定他是否有罪。
vi. 不及物動詞

評判; 裁決
Will you judge at the Flower Show ? 你將在花展上當評審嗎?

n. [C] 可數名詞
法官, 推事
The prisoner was taken before the judge . 囚犯被提審。
He was one of the judges at the horse race . 他是賽馬會上的裁判員之一。
鑑定人; 鑑賞家
He is no judge in such matters . 他在這些事上是外行。



3.turned up

【商】(指股票、股市等)上揚, 反彈, 升值
Investment is turning up sharply . 投資額急遽增長。
露面; 來到
We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7 . 30 , but he failed to turn up . 我們約定7點30分在電影院見面, 但他沒來。
We invited her to dinner but she didn ' t even bother to turn up . 我們請她吃飯她都不露面。
I ' m sure your watch will turn up one of these days . 我擔保你的手錶準有一天能找到。
He ' s still hoping something will turn up . 他仍在期待機會出現。
(指機會)出現, 到來
He hasn ' t turned up for work this morning - - I hope he isn ' t ill . 他今天上午沒有來上班, 但願他沒有生病。
出現, 被發現; 翻起, 翻轉; 開大; 上升; 使嘔吐; 殺死
The share of a plough turns up the soil . 犁頭將土翻鬆。
Please turn the radio up a little . 請把收音機開得響一些。
Investment is turning up sharply . 投資額在急劇上升。
The mere thought of flying turns her up . 一想到飛行, 她就要吐。
I turned up two geese with the first two shots . 我頭兩槍就打死了兩隻鵝。




Miley Ray Cyrus (born Destiny Hope Cyrus; November 23, 1992)[4] is an American actress and recording artist. The daughter of country singer Billy Ray Cyrus, she held minor roles in the television series Doc and the film Big Fish in her childhood.






One of the perks of being a musician chosen to appear on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon is you get to perform your hit song with not only the funnyman host himself, but his house band The Roots! Which was exactly the case for Miley Cyrus last night, who recorded an acapella version of "We Can't Stop" with the Late Night members.


Filmed on separate screens and then edited together in a Brady Bunch-intro fashion, The Roots used only their voices to create the instrumentation to Miley's smash single, while Fallon harmonized the lyrics as Miss Cyrus delivered them in the center of the frame. The version of the tune showcases the lyrics on a whole new level, making the club-ready banger sound...pretty?


See for yourself by watching the acapella version of "We Can't Stop" by Miley, Jimmy and The Roots on YouTube below: what are your thoughts on the tune sans instruments?






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