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一份對美國4百多位老師實施翻轉教室後的研究,高達9成的老師因使用翻轉教室的教學概念而提高了教學熱忱,亦有近7成學生的成績有進步。可汗學院創辦人 Salman Khan 曾在 TED 演講,說明錄製的影片如何可被老師用於翻轉教室,並帶來顯著成效。



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Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organisation that acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace by:


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Take a closer look at this year’s top 10 universities in Asia, including three Hong Kong universities, three South Korean, two Singaporean, two Japanese and one from mainland China. (That’s actually 11, as tenth place is shared).
See the full 2013 QS University Rankings: Asia >




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4月1日是大家熟知的愚人節~想要捉弄別人嗎? 捉弄別人之餘~想不想知道由來呢? 小編特別找到關於愚人節的相關資訊喔~





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很多人應該都對減肥很有興趣吧! 但有人怎麼減都無法成功瘦身, 是否因為方法用錯呢? 小編找到一文章提供給大家參考囉~







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最近小編得到藝文資訊~歷史博物館正展出" 米開朗基羅特展" 大家有空可以去參觀喔! 值得一看~



「天堂審判重生:文藝復興巨匠再現米開朗基羅特展」,展出涵蓋米開朗基羅的繪畫、建築、雕塑、文學等卓越成就,從各面向窺得屬於大師的經典風華。義大利CASA BUONARROTI博物館破天荒首次出借國寶級米開朗基羅真跡手稿來台,邀您一同親眼目睹五百年前米開朗基羅筆下的創作意念,親身感受那段文藝復興的美好年代!

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大家應該對"巧克力"不陌生吧~對大部分的女生來說 更是最愛之一! 小編找到一篇文章 提到巧克力對人體的7個益處喔! 大家可以參考看看喔!



Chocolate makes you slim

Chocolate may not be an obvious food choice for dieters, but research findings suggest that eating chocolate in moderation could actually keep you slim.

The researchers discovered that adults who consumed chocolate frequently had a lower BMI than those who didn’t, despite them often eating more calories and not exercising more.


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每年年底或快過年時 很多人都會想出國去玩~冬天出國便有機會到下雪的國家, 這時要非常注意保暖跟安全喔~小編分享以下文章給各位參考囉!


Freezing weather can mean frostbite and hypothermia unless a person is prepared. Today we talk about how to stay warm, dry and safe.


Frostbite is damage that happens when skin is exposed to extreme cold for too long. It mainly happens on the hands, feet, nose and ears.


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台灣每年都會看到有新聞幫民眾統計"菜市場名" 看看哪些名字是最常出現在你我身邊朋友的身上~國外也是有喔~但小編找到一篇文章是在講十大"特別"的名字~之後幫自己的小朋友取英文名字時可以參考看看喔!



Popular Disney characters’ names have topped the list of unusual names given to babies born in 2012.

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It seems like false lashes are everywhere right now and if you haven't yet tried out the trend because you're worried you can't apply them properly then let us offer you a helping hand. No celebrity red carpet look is complete without a set of falsies and the good news is you don't need to be a pro make-up artist to get that flutter for yourself.



Tips and tricks

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Facebook之後會設立一個頁面是給"兩人"的, 可以情侶同用一個, 也可以是好朋友



Facebook creates 'creepy' Couples page for all users - without warning

Facebook has created special 'Couples' pages for people in relationships - with pictures and posts telling 'what they have shared'.

Facebook has created special 'Couples' pages for people in relationships - and rolled the function out without warning.

Anyone who lists themselves as 'in a relationship' or 'Married' will find that
the social network has created a

special 'TimeLine' chronicling their love - accessed by clicking on their profile.

Not all users are delighted.

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現代科技進步, 許多人不論工作,娛樂都離不開電腦, 眼睛因此常感到疲憊,小編找到一篇文章可以分享給大家:


Top 5 tips to combat computer eye strain


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Superpower cranberries

You may already know that cranberries are the natural way to treat - and prevent cystitis and kidney infections, but research is revealing that they have added health benefits too.

Scientists now know that cranberries can also help boost your immune system and detox your body, as well as giving you a healthy blast of vitamin C.


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