Football? Soccer? Rugby? 怎麼分?
足球運動在歐美地區非常風行,每年的世界盃足球比賽更是一大盛事,(2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014 世界盃足球賽在巴西),球迷各自支持自己國家的代表隊,非常瘋狂,有時比賽結果的輸贏更會造成球迷之間的衝突暴動。
Football的意義較為複雜。【英式英語】中的Football=Soccer;但是【美式英語】中的Football卻是指美式足球。為了與英式英語的 Football區別,美式足球又稱為American Football,用的球是橄欖形的美式足球,且比賽時因衝撞非常激烈,所以球員一定要穿戴特別保護的裝備,看起來非常魁武。
- field / pitch 足球場
- midfield 中場
- backfield 後場
- kickoff circle / center circle 中圈
- halfway line 中線
- touchline / sideline 邊線
- goal line 球門線
- end line 底線
- penalty mark (點球)罰球點
- penalty area 禁區(罰球區)
- goal area 小禁區(球門區)
- coach 教練
- football player 足球運動員
- referee 裁判
- lineman 巡邊員
- captain / leader 隊長
- forward / striker 前鋒
- midfielder 前衛
- left midfielder 左前衛
- right midfielder 右前衛
- attacking midfielder 攻擊型前衛(前腰)
- defending midfielder 防守型前衛(後腰)
- center forward 中鋒
- full back 後衛
- center back 中後衛
- left back 左後衛
- right back 右後衛
- sweeper 拖後中衛
- goalkeeper / goalie 守門員
- cheer team 啦啦隊
- kick-off 開球
- bicycle kick / overhead kick 倒掛金勾
- chest-high ball 半高球
- corner ball / corner 角球
- goal kick 球門球
- header 頭球
- penalty kick 點球
- place kick 定位球
- pass 傳球
- short pass 短傳
- long pass 長傳
- cross pass 橫傳
- spot pass 球傳到位
- consecutive passes 連續傳球
- triangular pass 三角傳球
- flank pass 邊線傳球
- take a pass 接球
- flying header 跳起頂球
- shoot 射門
- close-range shot 近射
- long shot 遠射
- block tackle 正面搶截
- body check 阻擋
- fair charge 合理衝撞
- deceptive movement 假動作
- break through 突破
- kick-out 踢出界
- half-time interval 中場休息
- round robin 循環賽
- extra time 加時賽
- elimination match 淘汰賽
- final match 決賽
- preliminary match 預賽
- send a player off 判罰出場
- red card 紅牌
- yellow card 黃牌
- draw 平局
Hello, I’m a very interesting and intelligent footballer (足球員).
And today, the sport of football and I are getting together to teach you some English idioms.
I bet you’ve never been taught by the sport of football before!
That’s right. It’s time for kick off in today’s match lesson.
In English, if we’re speaking informally, we can call the start of any event, not just a sports match, the kick off.
The kick off. The start of an event.
Ah, my boss. He’s not very happy with me.
He says I was late for a meeting yesterday. He told me kick off was at 12 o’clock.
But when I arrived, he said I was an hour late.
That’s right. He’s always moving the goalposts.
In English, if someone changes the rules while we are trying to do something, to make it harder, we say they’re moving the goalposts… Argh!
Moving the goalposts.
Like that time I told my students to prepare for a vocabulary test and then gave them a grammar exam! Ha ha ha! I really moved the goalposts. They hated me so much.
Parliament (議會;國會). This is where politicians… argue.
Ah, they’re arguing about… my lessons.
One of the political parties wants to keep them going, while the other party wants to BAN them!
That’s right. It’s a political football.
In English, when politicians from different parties argue about something and try to get an advantage for themselves, we can say it’s a political football.
A political football.
Right, I’m off to win the cup!
﹡kick off 〔足球〕開球 / 〔會議〕開始
The match kicks off at 3 o'clock. 比賽三點開始。
The meeting kicked off at 11:00. 會議於11點開始。
﹡Move the goalposts 改變目標 / 改變規則 ﹡goalpost (n.) 球門柱
﹡political football 有爭議性的問題