大家對Walt Disney也一定不陌生,但是他還有一些不為人知的小秘密!!一起來看看~~
There may be no entertainment industry figure more influential than Disney’s eponymous founder. In his 65 years, Walt Disney succeeded in moving animation from a black-and-white novelty to a highly respected genre that would produce Oscar-worthy feature films. More than a few of his creations — including Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy — are instantly recognizable global icons. And the small animation house he founded on October 16, 1923 is now valued at more than $42 billion.
Walt Disney可以稱為是整個娛樂產業中影響力最大的人。65年內,他成功地將動畫從只有黑白的提升成為一個可以製作出有奧斯卡獎等級的電影;他創造出許多家喻戶曉的人物,像是米老鼠、唐老鴨、高飛,而他成立於1923年10月16日的動畫製作工作室現在價值已經超過420,000,000,000元。
Yet, despite his fame, Disney remains a relatively unknown figure. His story is overshadowed by his achievements, and, sometimes, by outright myth. In honor of The Walt Disney Company’s 90th anniversary, here are ten things you probably didn’t know about the man behind Mickey Mouse.
然而,儘管Walt Disney的名聲遠佈,他本身還是一個大眾比較不了解的人物。為了紀念Walt Disney公司的90周年,讓我們一起來了解創造出許多卡通人物背後的推手 – Walt Disney!
1. He dropped out of high school to join the army
第一次世界大戰時,Walt Disney 16歲,他為了加入軍隊而休學,然而他並沒有如願進入軍隊,因為他的年紀太小,最後他進入紅十字會成為救護車司機,他還曾經被送到法國支援,但是當他抵達法國時已經宣布停戰。
2. Mickey Mouse’s original name was “Mortimer”
是Walt Disney的太太成功說服他把米老鼠的名字從Mortimer Mouse改成 Mickey Mouse,因為Mickey Mouse比較好記。
3. He was the original voice behind Mickey Mouse
Walt Disney除了是動畫師、導演和製作人,他也是1928年到1947年米老鼠的配音。
4. He was determined to produce a feature-length animated movie, even when everyone thought the idea was crazy
Walt Disney決定要把「白雪公主」的故事做成動畫電影,當初大家都覺得這個計畫不可能成功,但是至今已經幫迪士尼公司賺進1,300,000,000元。
5. He could be the US government’s best friend
Walt Disney可能也是美國政府最好的朋友,他不僅幫助美國軍隊製作軍事訓練影片,還有幫助美國太空總署製作紀錄片。
6. He contributed to anti-communist hysteria
7. He came close to building a major ski resort
1955年迪士尼樂園完成後,Walt Disney想著手建造滑雪場,而地點就在加州,裡面會有六個區域的滑雪場,然後被瑞士風格的小村落包圍,他也已經取得政府的建造許可,可是在他1966年去世後,迪士尼公司決定停止滑雪場建造的計畫。
8. He received more Academy Awards and nominations than any other person in history
1932到1969年之間,Walt Disney贏得20座奧斯卡獎,同時被提名了59次,他是得過最多獎的人。
9. His last words remain a mystery
沒有人清楚Walt Disney的遺言的意思,他在病床上時寫下了Kurt Russell,當時Kurt Russell只是一個在他工作室工作的孩子,並還沒有成名。
10. After his death, he was NOT cryogenically frozen
有人說Walt Disney過世後遺體其實是被低溫保存,但是這只是謠言,他的遺體已經被火化。