日前逝世的名演員Robin Williams (羅賓威廉斯) 演技精湛傳神,演過許多經典的好電影,也有療癒系演員之稱,他所主演的電視劇瘋狂廣告人也在本周播出最後一集,而他最後的作品博物館驚魂夜三在年底才要播出。






Good Morning, Vietnam 《早安越南》


Set in Saigon in 1965, during the Vietnam War, the film stars Robin Williams as a radio DJ on Armed Forces Radio Service, who proves hugely popular with the troops, but infuriates his superiors with what they call his "irreverent tendency". The story is loosely based on the experiences of AFRS radio DJ Adrian Cronauer.

故事背景設定在1965年的西貢,當時正值越戰時期,羅賓威廉斯飾演在軍隊中非常受到歡迎的軍隊電台DJ,但是他被軍中長官視為眼中釘,故事內容參考了Adrian Cronauer在越戰時期擔任軍中DJ的真實故事。


Robin Williams也因此片獲得奧斯卡最佳男主角獎的提名。




Dead Poets Society 《春風化雨》


Set at the conservative and aristocratic Welton Academy in the northeast United States in 1959, it tells the story of an English teacher who inspires his students through his teaching of poetry. The film was critically acclaimed and was nominated for many awards.


故事背景設定在1959年的一間非常傳統的學校Welton Academy,而新老師Keating卻一反常規,教學生文學、生活,讓他們去聆聽死者的聲音,並去領悟的生命的真諦,他也透過詩來啟發學生,是一部描述師生關係的經典電影。此片也被多座獎項提名。




Good Will Hunting 《心靈捕手》


The film follows 20-year-old South Boston laborer Will Hunting, an unrecognized genius who, as part of a deferred prosecution agreement after assaulting a police officer, becomes a patient of a therapist (Williams) and studies advanced mathematics with a renowned professor (Skarsgård). Through his therapy sessions, Will re-evaluates his relationships with his best friend (Affleck), his girlfriend (Driver), and himself, facing the significant task of thinking about his future.


一位20歲的青年Will Hunting在麻省理工學院當清潔工,但是他在數學方面擁有過人的天賦,因為和警官起衝突而被起訴,但是案件一再拖延,他因緣際會成了一位醫生的病患來解決他心中無法突破的心牆,也和一位教授學習高等數學,而透過治療,他開始重新審視和朋友、女朋友和自己的關係,也重新思索自己的未來。




Popeye 《大力水手卜派》(真人版)


Popeye is a 1980 musical comedy live-action film adaptation directed by Robert Altman and adapted from E. C. Segar's Thimble Theatre aka Popeye comic strip. It stars Robin Williams as Popeye the Sailor Man and Shelley Duvall as Olive Oyl.


大力水手卜派在1980年改編成音樂喜劇的形式,由Robin Williams主演卜派,奧莉薇則是由Shelley Duvall主演。






The Night at the Museum《博物館驚魂夜》


Night at the Museum is a 2006 American fantasy adventure-comedy film based on the 1993 children's book of the same name by Milan Trenc. It follows a divorced father trying to settle down, impress his son, and find his destiny. He applies for a job as a night watchman at New York City's American Museum of Natural History and subsequently discovers that the exhibits, animated by a magical Egyptian artifact, come to life at night.




 Robin Williams 在本片飾演博物館內的美國第26任總統Theodore Roosevelt(西奧多•羅斯福)







參考資料:Robin Williams' 10 Best Movies






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