In recent years, working holidays have become an increasingly popular option for travelers, giving young people opportunities to meet people from around the world, try out different kinds of work, and maybe even find their vocation.
Young Taiwanese can take advantage of the various working holiday agreements between Taiwan and other countries to experience life overseas, while young people coming into Taiwan from abroad can exchange physical or creative energy for free board and enjoy the sights and sounds of Taiwan without having to fork over too much money. It’s not hard to see why this has become such a popular alternative travel plan!
The French say that travel is the best teacher a young person can have, and it is the spirit of this saying that has motivated countless young Westerners to pack their bags and head overseas to work for a while and experience life in another land. Over the past few years, Taiwan has begun to get on board with these “working holiday” plans as well.
In June 2004, the Taiwanese and New Zealand governments signed a working holiday agreement, with New Zealand offering some 600 opportunities for Taiwanese between 18 and 30 years of age to spend a year working and traveling around the country.
近幾年, 打工度假很盛行,除了可打工賺錢外,還可體驗到多不同的工作與人事物.多看看外面的世界會使視野更加寬廣~建議大家有機會真的可以去試試打工度假喔~會讓你得到意想不到的收穫喔~