小編在看過 Paperman 這部迪士尼的短片後,對於小短片就非常有興趣
一起來看看還有哪些精彩短片 ~
1. Memoirs of a Scanner: a short film made with a scanner. 用掃描器拍攝的回憶錄。
Memoirs of a Scanner by Mindfruit Films was shot with just an office image scanner. It's only a minute long and composed entirely of still shots, but it has a coherent plot. Directed by Damon Stea.
一部回憶錄短片,用辦公室的掃描器拍攝而成,片長只有一分鐘,但劇情連貫。導演為 Damon Stea。
2. Between You and Me: the short film made with a still camera using 2000 photographs to form movements. 你我之間 : 一部由靜態相機拍攝而成的影片,用2000張照片作文素材。
3. Logorama: the short film about trademarks that won an Oscar. 世界商標 : 一部關於商標的動畫,並贏得奧斯卡獎肯定。
A 16-minute animated film, entirely populated by trademarks as both characters and props, won an upset Academy Award. Its producer, Nicolas Schmerkin, explains: It's about the way we live and the way we react to these logos. The brain can register 14 logos in less than one second. Making the logos characters with sets and props is about what we're living … They're used for what they are.
這是一部16分鐘的動畫,整部片由各式商標擔任個個角色和道具,製片 Nicolas Schmerkin 表示 : 這部片是關於人們生活的方式還有我們對於商標的反應。我們的腦袋可以在一秒內紀錄14個商標,把商標變成角色且加上背景和道具就是我們生活的寫照,而這些商標只是照他們一直以來的方式生活。
4. Destino: a short animated cartoon by Disney and Dali. 命運 : 由迪士尼和達利共同製作的短片。
In 1946, famed surrealist artist Salvador Dali and Walt Disney became unlikely collaborators, and set to work on a short film called Destino. The project was ultimately abandoned with less than 20 seconds of film shot, but six decades later modern Disney artists completed the film using Dali's original storyboards. The result is easily the strangest thing to come out of the Disney studios since… well, probably ever.
在1946年,知名超現實主義藝術家Salvador Dali 和Walt Disney兩個看似不可能有交集的大師,聯手製作了Destino這部短片,這個少於20秒的影片最後沒有人持續進行,直到60年後,年輕的迪士尼動畫師用Dali的分鏡表完成此部短片,這應該會是迪士尼公司最不一樣最奇特的一部作品了。
5. Maggie and Mildred: a short film made from cross stitching. Maggie 和 Mildred : 用十字繡完成的短片。
Maggie and Mildred is a short film by Holly Klein about the unusual friendship about these two girls (who you will later find out are grandmother and granddaughter). She cross stitched all of the characters and scenes, and then animated them. In an interview about the project, Klein said that it took her about nine months to stitch all of the elements. She stitched the house first, and later made the characters with all of their parts and outfits separately. She then scanned everything into the computer, cut them out, and animated them in the computer. The whole process took her just under two years.
這是一部由 Holly Klein 拍攝的短片,敘述兩個女生不平凡的友誼(最後觀眾會發現這兩個女生是奶奶和孫女的關係),Holly Klein 花了九個月去製作所有的十字繡,再拍攝成影片,她先做出房子,再個別製作角色和他們的服裝和配備,然後把他們掃進電腦,再使他們變成動畫,這整個影片花了他兩年的時間製作。
參考資料 : 10 Craziest Short Films