最近全球最夯的話題除了為漸凍人募款的「冰桶挑戰」,大概就是蘋果 iPhone 6 的發表會了
而日前傳得沸沸揚揚的智慧手錶Apple Watch也同步亮相了呢
Apple has unveiled two new iPhones, the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 and the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus. (蘋果這次一口氣推出了4.7吋的iPhone 6及5.5吋的iPhone 6 Plus兩種版本。)
iPhone comes in silver, gray and gold. (共有三款顏色:銀色,灰色及金色。)
這邊的 Come in 指商品以某種形態呈現/問市,供人選擇的意思。
This dress comes in three sizes. (這款洋裝有三種尺碼。)
Come in 還有許多其他常見的意思:
▪ 取得的名次
Which horse came in first? (哪匹馬跑第一?)
▪ 買的到;到貨
English strawberries usually come in in late June. (英國草莓通常在六月下旬上市。)
▪ 當選,上任
The president came in last month. (總統上月就任。)
▪ 在某事物中起作用
I understand the plan perfectly, but I can't see where I come in.
iPhone at its largest. And thinnest. 最大的 iPhone,也最薄。
Developing an iPhone with a larger, more advanced display meant pushing the edge of design. From the seamless transition of glass and metal to the streamlined profile, every detail was carefully considered to enhance your experience. So while its display is larger, iPhone 6 feels just right.
要開發一款配備更大、更先進顯示器的 iPhone,意味著要更突破設計極限。從玻璃與金屬的無縫接合,到渾然一體的流線外觀,每個細節的審慎考量,都為了提升你的使用體驗。也因此,雖然 iPhone 6 的顯示器更大了,感覺依然恰到好處。
▪ Seamless (adj.) 無縫的
▪ Streamlined (adj.) 流線型的
▪ Profile (n.) 輪廓,外形;外觀
Not just a bigger display. A better display.
It’s one thing to make a bigger display. It’s something else entirely to make a bigger Multi‑Touch display with brilliant colors and higher contrast at even wider viewing angles. But that’s exactly what we did with the new Retina HD display.
配備更大的顯示器並非難事,但要打造同時擁有絢麗色彩、更高對比度、且視角更為寬廣的 Multi-Touch 多點觸控顯示器,可就沒那麼簡單。但全新 Retina HD 顯示器全做到了。
Hugely powerful. Enormously efficient. 大有動力,大有效率。
Built on 64-bit desktop-class architecture, the new A8 chip delivers more power, even while driving a larger display. The M8 motion coprocessor efficiently gathers data from advanced sensors and a new barometer. And with increased battery life, iPhone 6 lets you do more, for longer than ever.
以 64 位元桌上型電腦等級架構打造,全新 A8 晶片的強大威力,即使驅動更大的顯示器依舊輕鬆自在。M8 動作感應協同處理器能從先進感應器與全新氣壓感應器,有效率地搜整資料。再配合更長效的電池續航力,iPhone 6 讓你做得更多,用得更久。
▪ Coprocessor (n.) 協同處理器
▪ Barometer (n.) 氣壓計
The camera that changed photos now does the same for video.
More people take more photos with iPhone than with any other camera. And now the iSight camera has a new sensor with Focus Pixels and new video features, like 1080p HD at 60 fps, slo-mo at 240 fps, and time-lapse video mode. So you’ll have more reasons to capture more moments on video, too.
越來越多的人選用 iPhone 來拍更多的照片,而非選擇其他相機。現在,配備全新感光元件的 iSight 攝錄鏡頭支援 Focus Pixels,還新增每秒 60 影格的 1080p HD 影片、每秒 240 影格的慢動作影片,以及縮時攝影模式等錄影新功能,讓你有更多理由以影片捕捉更多珍貴時刻。
▪ Time-lapse (adj.) 延時的﹐定時的
Faster wireless. Far and wide. 更快無線連結,縱橫四方。
iPhone 6 has faster LTE download speeds, and it supports more LTE bands than any other smartphone so you can roam in more places. And when connected to Wi-Fi, you’ll get up to 3x faster speeds.
iPhone 6 支援快速的無線網路技術,世界各地皆可輕鬆連結,加上先進的 Wi-Fi 技術,你將感受超快速的無線上網體驗。
▪ Roam (v.) 漫遊,閒逛
Security. Right at your fingertip. 安全,盡在指尖。
The breakthrough Touch ID technology lets you securely access your iPhone with the perfect password: your fingerprint. You can also use it to approve purchases from iTunes, iBooks, and the App Store without having to enter your password.
突破性的 Touch ID 技術,讓你能以獨一無二的密碼:你的指紋,安全地使用你的 iPhone。
你也可使用它在 iTunes、iBooks 與 App Store 確認購買或下載,而不用輸入密碼。
▪ Fingerprint (n.) 指紋
Your wallet. Without the wallet. 電子支付服務 (台灣地區尚無支援)
▪ Display (n.) 顯示器
▪ Resolution (n.) 解析度
▪ Aperture (n.) 光圈
▪ Pixels (n.) 像素
▪ Fps = frames per second 幀/秒
▪ LTE = Long Term Evolution 長期演進技術