Every one of the travel chokes on this list comes from painful personal experience -- often multiple times repeating the same mistakes. (We're nothing if not persistent.)
What are your biggest travel mistakes? Add them to the list in the comments section below.
1. Overpacking 攜帶過重的行李
At home, with your complete wardrobe available, there's no reason not to run through work, workout and working-the-clubs outfits in a single day.
According to a recent survey by Travelodge, two-thirds of travelers typically return from a trip with at least six unworn outfits. The lesson: You don't need a new set of anything for each day of a trip. Figure on at least two wears for (almost) everything.
2. Not buying something you like as soon as you see I 沒立即購買你喜歡的東西
You think you're gonna circle back to that shop. You think you'll see a cheaper, better version somewhere else. When you see something you like, just buy it and live without regret.
3. Not checking your phone plan before traveling abroad 出國前忘記開通國際漫遊
What you call "international roaming" your phone carrier calls "shareholder dividend!" It happens all the time to travelers who fail to check their phone plans before departure.
4. Trusting "near city center" descriptions 隨意輕信「靠近市中心」的標語
"Near city center" is like a Bible verse -- open to vast interpretation. When you find the money you saved on your "near city center" hotel is being spent on 30-minute commutes and outrageous taxi fares, you know you've committed one of the cardinal sins of travel.
當你發現原先因為省錢而選擇「靠近市中心」的飯店,其實是需要花費30分鐘並支付價錢高的離譜的計程車費,你還會相信”Near city center”這個標語嗎?輕易相信這個標語,你就已經犯了旅遊最大錯誤的其中一項了。
5. Taking the "super" shuttle 耗費時間搭便宜的接駁巴士
Wait on the curb for a ride in a sweat-soaked van and risk being the last one dropped off on a nine-hotel run, all in the name of saving a few bucks? Your time is worth more than that.
6. Not tightening shampoo caps... all the way 沒有蓋緊洗髮精的蓋子
Those cute, little trial-size shampoo and conditioner bottles are really handy -- until they magically burst open in-flight, spreading a layer of glycerol soap snot all over your bag.
7. Thinking you know the perfect time to book a ticket 自以為知道完美的訂票時機
According to Travelers Today, research conducted by Kayak found the optimal timing for a cheap-ticket purchase is 21 and 34 days before domestic and international flights, respectively. But 2012 analysis by CheapAir.com concluded that on average the cheapest fares are found 49 days before a flight.Meanwhile, researchers at Texas A&M University simply found that Saturdays and Sundays are best for finding discount fares.
8. Trying too hard to chisel out a bargain 太努力殺價
There's no faster way to become embittered with the locals than going toe-to-toe with a market full of hungry sales people and shopkeepers. Yes, we understand there's principle involved, but do you really need to whittle the equivalent of fifty cents off the price of an embroidered handbag that's going to sit in the back of a closet anyway? Just buy the damn thing and spare your heart the cortisol burst for when it actually needs it.
9. Not changing money at the airport 沒在機場換匯
When traveling internationally, the conventional wisdom is that only amateurs change money at the airport, because the exchange rate for foreign currency will be better in town. It usually is, but often not by that much.
10. Underestimating the hell that is Heathrow 低估機場的大小
Speaking of London, it's easy to underestimate the several hundred miles of concourse you'll likely be obliged to traverse and the time-consuming security searches that create jumbled queues and make travelers look more like internment camp refugees than cosmopolitan jet setters.
文章彙整:菁英國際語言教育中心 / 翻譯:Rdi Chuang / 英文文章出處:CNN
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